‘What sets Change Machine apart is the exquisite marriage of feeling to linguistic ambition and an exuberant gift for verbal generation. This combination is rarely distilled to such proof.’ 

Judith Bishop

— Australian Book Review —

 ‘After years of anticipation, I was thrilled to finally read Jaya Savige’s dazzling third volume, Change Machine: an intoxicatingly inventive and erudite collection … that ricochets from Westminster to Los Angeles to Marrakesh … Yet for all the book’s global sweep, it’s the quiet poems about fatherhood that stay with me.’  

Sarah Holland-Batt

— Australian Book Review —

Books of the Year 2020

 Q. Do You Have A favourite Australian poetry collection?  

‘It often changes, but one recently published book I keep returning to out of a deeply felt sense of admiration and astonishment is Jaya Savige’s Change Machine.’ 


— Australian Book Review —

May 2023

 ‘Witty, urbane, possessed by playfulness,
this is a book of slippages and switcheroos, as allusive as Ulysses …  
Time and again, the poet’s alertness to sound acts as a vigil on behalf of the disappearing … Savige testifies to the fact that artistic creation is inextricable from creation itself.’  


— Orion Magazine —

‘Jaya Savige with Change Machine (UQP) has transferred his visions to the page with a virtuoso’s skill.’ 


— Sydney Morning Herald / The Age —

Books of the Year 2020

  ‘Savige is a poet whose work you want to keep returning to for his rich haul of image, sound and rhythmical ease, and because his range of subjects makes for dynamic and buoyant reading.’ 

Judith Beveridge

— Westerly —

  ‘JAYA Savige’s Surface to Air is a delight to read, full of grace and attentiveness … of precise observation and an airy, glittering imagination’ 

Judge’s Comments

— The Age Book of the Year 2011 —

  ‘There is a dazzling quality about Jaya Savige’s second collection, Surface to Air … he strafes the frontiers of language where power and consciousness are at odds; where risk is mediated.’ 

Michelle Cahill

— Mascara Literary Review —