Resolute skin-shedder‘ | Rev. of Pacific Light et al. by David Mason | Times Literary Supplement, 22 Sep 2023

Rev. of Doubtful Points: Joyce & Punctuation by E. Bonapfel & T. Conley | James Joyce Broadsheet 106 (Feb 2017)

‘Lexical Lightning’ | Rev. of: Waiting for the Past by Les Murray | Weekend Australian, 23 May 2015

‘Anthologies & the Poetic Stockmarket’ | Rev. of Australian Poetry Since 1788 by G. Lehmann & R. Gray | APJ 2.1 2012

Catharsis Interruptus‘ | Rev. of Point-counterpoint by Javant Biarujia | Sydney Morning Herald, 25 Jul 2008

New Take on Old Trojan Course‘ | Rev. of The Aeneid by Virgil, trans. Robert Fagles | Sydney Morning Herald, 20 Jan 2007